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The improved version of BuildingAdvice features an enhanced software interface to the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR® energy performance rating system, so commercial building owners pursuing LEED® or ENERGY STAR certification can see both a projection of their ENERGY STAR rating based on the recommended energy savings from the report in addition to their current rating. The upgrade also enables contractors to develop a customizable presentation of the projected savings and ROI from proposed energy conservation measures. Reports on the savings of electricity/fuel, dollar savings and payback period can be broken out individually or bundled together and presented as a single proposal. The ability to customize reports makes it easier to conform to utility requirements for technical justification for rebate programs.

As more commercial building owners and contractors recognize the importance of energy efficiency programs in reducing overall costs as well as the positive impact they can make on the environment, technology like BuildingAdvice will become an important tool for meeting energy and sustainability goals. 

For more information about BuildingAdvice, visit www.airadvice.com/commercial


About AirAdvice, Inc.
AirAdvice, Inc., headquartered in Portland, Oregon, was founded in 1999 to help people improve their quality of life by taking charge of their indoor environment.

AirAdvice develops innovative technologies to monitor and analyze building performance and indoor environment factors that impact system and building efficiency, as well as occupant comfort, health, and safety. The company’s HomeAdvice™ and BuildingAdvice™ systems enable contractors, facility managers, and building owners to identify opportunities to reduce energy costs, improve the operational efficiency of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and solve indoor environmental quality issues.

More than 1,500 contractors and 30 distribution companies across North America use the HomeAdvice and BuildingAdvice™ systems. For more information, visit www.airadvice.com.

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AirAdvice Upgrades Energy Assessment Software of its BuildingAdvice System.

Energy efficiency software now easier to use and to generate reports

AirAdvice, a developer of innovative technologies to monitor and assess building performance, introduces a new version of its energy assessment software with enhanced features in both the online report generation process and in the report itself. This BuildingAdvice™ software upgrade makes it easier for contractors to use the system and to customize reports, so building owners and property managers can see immediately the estimated savings and return on investment from proposed energy conservation measures.

“Soaring energy prices and the growing focus on sustainable practices pose significant challenges for owners of small and mid-size commercial buildings who are scrutinizing their utility bills and seeking ways to reduce energy consumption,” said James Crowder, president and CEO of AirAdvice. “Our BuildingAdvice technology arms contractors with the innovative tools they need to help their commercial building customer identify opportunities for reducing their energy costs and meeting their sustainability goals.”

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